
The distance from the airport is 64 km and it is about a 1.5 hours drive.

  1. Drive from the airport via El Paso, Los Llanos de Aridane and Tijarafe via the LP-1 to Puntagorda.
  2. In Puntagorda, 200m after the Repsol gas station, turn left into the village.
  3. After 400 meters, directly after the clock and the town hall, turn right.
  4. After 900m a sharp bend to the left. PAY ATTENTION!
  5. After 50m the second right, after the sign ‘Dead end’ and before the palm tree. See picture.
  6. Then 1st left 1st right, this is the parking lot for Casa Demetria.

It is also possible, by means of Google Maps, to navigate to Casa Demetria.

Casa Demetria

Camino del Calvario 19a
38789 Puntagorda
La Palma
